Monthly Archives: July 2018

Window dressing on a budget

I recently started doing window displays at the shop where I work. Now that we’re in a new location with more space and neat little window by the door there is scope for a new creative outlet.

I’ve promised to use the space to promote new products and events that we’re affiliated with and I’ve been given free reign to pretty much do what I want with it but on as low a cost as possible. So I’ve started hoarding potentially useful items such as tin cans for planters and old picture frames. I’m in the process of breaking up an old pallet to make into some shelves. I’ve been sprouting wheatgrass for a summer installation and thinking about screen printing wall paper. The things I make and design can all contribute to a portfolio of work. The wall papers I make could lead to more surface pattern design work. The planters could be sold on etsy maybe. It could all lead on to more creative pursuits.

This display is my first so far. It’s a summery larder theme featuring some of our new products. With almost nothing in the way of printing equipment I used the old classic potato stamp with a leaf motif to do the wallpaper. I did make a second stamp of a sprouted bean but the detail was lost in the mushy potato flesh. I really needed a Lino cut with decent cutting tools. However, I’m pleased with the colours and design. The shelves and box were found in our old staff room and I made the planters using the most basic of macrame.

I want to keep tweaking the display. As I’m just starting out I’m learning as I go along. I think it needs a framed item above the shelves, either a mirror or a picture to fill the space and it needs to sum up the composition in some way. I’m thinking of a vintage map of the world perhaps as we sell international foods and it’s coming up to the summer holidays soon.

I’ve started a Pinterest board of ideas for the window here